Friday, July 9, 2010

Bottoms Up

Before I begin my next decade I thought I should get a total health screening - even the dreaded colonoscopy. I'm happy to report that everything is negative and normal. I'm so thankful for my good health.

This is the Golightly prep I took before my colonoscopy. I had to drink an 8 ounce serving every 10 minutes until it was gone - one gallon total. It conjures images of Professor Dumbledore drinking the dreaded potion to find the missing horcrux, when he stated, "this is no health drink, Harry".

It was anything but golightly - more like go longly, loosely and loudly!

This is my colon - and apparently this is what a normal healthy colon looks like. So glad to have it BEHIND me.


Michelle said...


So glad everything went okay and you are healthy as can be!

LOVED the Dumbledore drink analogy :). Tyler was so so SO sick drinking his. Bless your heart.

Great title. hahaha!

Michelle said...

Oh ... and ending ... hahaha! (behind)

The Jackson Family said...

WOW-Getting that done is a big accomplishment! Congrats! I am glad everything is clear and healthy! I am grateful for a very healthy mom!

tiffany said...

nice behind

oh wait i mean colon

Pam and Rand said...

Gross - since we're twins, I'm sure my are as clean as yours and figure thats all I need to do.

Larry and Cindy said...

Good job Pat!!! Larry and I each did a colonoscopy a couple of years back so I feel your pain!!! Ours turn out good as well...Thank Goodness!!!