Friday, November 20, 2009

Unidentified Flying Objects

I came into the livingroom early Wednesday morning to find Brent sitting on the couch staring gravely ahead, in deep concerned concentration. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Did you see a bright light last night?" he querried. He then began to describe waking up with a bright circular light against his bedroom wall which shifted suddenly and then lit up the whole room. He was pretty much beside himself. I told him maybe it was a helicopter with search lights trying to find the murderers in the Payson incident on Tues. morning. He was not convinced. He brooded over it all day, thinking maybe an extra-terrestrial had scoped him out and would be coming back another night to steal him away for experiments.

That evening, the lead news story was ' Meteor lights up early morning sky, alarms Utahns'

Brent was so happy! He told me he thought it was a meteor all along. -Yeah, right.


Michelle said...

Hahaha! That is awesome. It would be quite creepy to have that mysterious light in your room. Bless his heart ... can't fool him ... meteors! :D

tiffany said...

hahaha i love it

M- your favorite said...

I thought it was so funny listening to him ask you- then the second I get home he is all about the bright light. He is to funny!

Kent and Leisy said...

I think he knew all along what it really was and was just trying to freak you out. Too bad you slept right through the lights Mom!

Pam and Rand said...

At least he didn't wake you up with his old lady scream, "Get the Helllll ouuutt of Herrrre you lousy aliens!" They were probably looking for an anchor for their extraterrestrial swim team.

Pat and Brent said...

Thanks for making me laugh out loud today Pam or was it Randy, that was funny. So many funny things go on with me.

The Jackson Family said...

That is FUNNY!! I am so glad it was real thing or I might be worried!