Sunday, May 17, 2009

Latest update from the Millers

Sooooo- Brent lost his favorite PJ's and has been looking for them the past week. He started asking all of us if anyone had "borrowed" them. Come on! Anyway he has been searching high and low and finally offered a reward for whoever would find them. "I'm willing to give 5 or 10 dollars." It took Melynda about 2 minutes to find them. They were in the bottom of Morty's toy basket! How in the world did they ever get there?! Brent first said "Thanks a lot", but was reminded of his reward offer.

Yea, she got the $5.00 - not the 10.
Our latest project is our patio extension/walkway.
We decided to start with the rock pathway at the south side of our house.
We went to the garden/landscaping place to get some dirt (garden soil) and ended up ordering a pallete of landscaping rock and 4 yards of sand.
They delivered it within a couple of hours! -So on with the project! Hopefully it will be in before the summer begins. ( Goal is before the 4th of July)

Mothers Day was fun. I got these cute flowers from the Jensons and couldn't find my vases so M let me use her watering can. Looks quite cute don't you think?

My mothers day gift to myself was to get some decorations for my little 1/2 bath. Melynda and I spent the day before at Ikea and TaiPan and put together some bright things. It's so much better. Love it. Thanks M.

Looks like we're getting new neighbors!

Kristy got Hanna a brand new bike - put it together and taught her how to ride all in single afternoon. Way to go Kris - and way to go Miss Hanna!


Michelle said...

WOW!! What an awesome post!!

1st - I am laughing SO DANG HARD at Dad and M. Morty's toy basket, huh? How did YOU know, M? Hmmmmmmm? I DEFINITELY think you should have gotten the $10.00 reward. :) Lookin' spiffy daddio!

2nd - I LOVE the yard. The rock pathway is just gorgeous so far. Our first official BBQ the other night was AWESOME!! I as so looking forward to more. You guys are good at projects ... It is all coming together so nicely.

3rd - Mother's day gifts are SO cute. I love your half bath ... the colors are so bright and cheery! Aaaaand - I thought it was a very cute and clever idea to put the flowers in the watering can.

4th - HOLY COW HANNA!!!! Way-ta-GO!! That is so awesome!

Larry and Cindy said...

Hi Millers, Long time no see!!! I love your house and your yard projects. I love it when someone can find my favorite jammies when I can't find them. WOW that Hannah is a go getter on that Bike!!! Kristy and James are saints for the TLC they give Beth and Don!!!! When we get up to Angie's again I am going to come see your new house NO MATTER WHAT!!! I will be coming sometime soon to make her bridesmaid dress for Tiffany's wedding in September (25) I hope you all can come! Anyway I am jobless's crazy I worked at one job for 18 years now I am going for 18 jobs in one year!! Love Ya, Cindy

tiffany said...

great post the walk way is going to be very nice i like the flowers in the watering can kent gave me flowers for my birthday the vase sliped out of my arm and it satterd right in front of him i was so horrified and hanna is so awsome for knowing how to ride a bike now that is so cool

M- your favorite said...

your yard is beautiful! Also the funny thing about dad's PJ's was he thought someone took them. But Michelle what I am thinking is the kids play in there on Sunday and that is when they came missing- so I think they fell in the basket or something. But glad I found them! He was really sad! Ask Kent everytime he lost something I could find it in just a few min. and he would have search for years! anyways all is well.

The Jackson Family said...

What a fun post! Glad dad found the PJ's! How in the world did Melynda find them in Morty's basket? Love your yard-you guys are doing a great job! My Hanna is a CUTIE!

Pam and Rand said...

I love the rock walk - that is beautiful! New neighbors are so fun with all the dirt and migrant workers. Keep all your yard tools locked up - we lost a few of ours when we were getting new neighbors.

It is such a bummer to lose your favorite jammie pants. How bazaar to end up in Morty's bed - do you think Morty was the culprit? Funny.

Cute Hannah - they grow up so fast!

Kent and Leisy said...

Melynda was always able to find anything I lost! It is this amazing 6th sense for all things lost. Or maybe I'm like Dad and don't know how to look for things ;)
The yard looks really nice! It looks like a lot of work. Good job Dad. - Kent