Friday, November 28, 2008

Giving Thanks ALL Week

Sunday, Michelle had us all over for a FABULOUS Thanksgiving Feast.

Ethan is growing into Aarons car. Relaxing and visiting is our favorite thing to do.

Oops, Aaron's getting to big for his car.

On Tuesday I was able to go to Aaron's First Grade Thanksgiving Program. It was SUPER cute! Brought back so many memories of my kids school programs. Thanks for the invite!
Wednesday was pie making day.

They may be labor intensive, but they're worth it.
Thanks Pam and Randy for a wonderful Thanksgiving Dinner on the BIG day. It was so good and the "around to world" ping pong was especially fun.
Early Morning Shopping

I was not about to fight for one of these Jeeps, even
though it's one of the things I was hoping to get.

Just look at the bargains we found.

We love Black Friday early morning shopping.
It's CRAZY and fun.


Pat and Brent said...

I was in bed where you are suppose to be. Glad you had fun. Can't wait until Christmas. Love Dad

The Jackson Family said...

I really love it, I look forward to it every year! It gives you a natural high to fight for those bargains!

Pam and Rand said...

Wow - you went home and had another full dinner. Impressive! Ping pong was great. We enjoyed having you guys with us. Jaime & I had much Black Friday shopping success. We came home happy.

Michelle said...

Oh how I love LOVE the holidays!!! Being together is so much fun. Thanks for sharing all the great pics you've gotten! I am still laughing so hard about the Black Friday video you got. Those 2 "high five-ing" strangers are awesome. Emotions run pretty high at the wally world the day after Thanksgiving.

Love you so much! Thanks for all the good times this week.

Kent and Leisy said...

I thought you had two Thanksgiving dinners in one day as well until I read the title and Leisy reminded me you got together on Sunday. I can't believe that basket of overflowingness. I think all your Christmas shopping is complete in that one basket! - Kent

Linz said...

Happy Thanksgiving!! I am glad you had fun shopping. I NEVER - EVER - go shopping on Black Friday. There is no such thing as a sale good enough to get up that early for, in my opinion! Glad you had some fun!

tiffany said...

what a fun thansgiving you got to celabrae alot. how fun