Sunday, April 20, 2008

A Few of My Favorite Things

This little guy keeps us laughing! What a bundle of energy!!

M with one of her favorites.
Ethan knows the best way to eat a cupcake.

Krystals birthday party - WOW 3 is pretty big!

More of the house. Our final inspection was changed to Friday the 25th.


tiffany said...

love the pictures the kids are socute and getting so big your house looks so beutiful and amazing im loving it.

Pam and Rand said...

We stopped by your new house on our way home from Moab and totally LOVE it! You've chosen such good colors.

I agree, my kids and grandkids are definately my favorite thing! I can't believe Krystal is 3, that means Oliver and Van are turning 3 very soon too. Time flys!

M- your favorite said...

I love the house! I can't believe that you guys can start packing up the old house and head over to the new one. that is crazy! I also love the colors! It is going to be great! I love it!

The little kids are the best! I love them so much! Krystals party was a ton of fun! Thanks for everything.

Linz said...

Cute grandkids! I can see why they are your favorite things! And your home looks wonderful! Just a few more days! Yea!

Michelle said...

Gorgeous. Grandma Pat and Grandpa Brent are CERTAINLY favorites at our house!

tiffany said...

im still loven the pictuers and i tagged pat

mandi said...

Wow - your house looks BEAUTIFUL!! I can't wait to see it in person! And your grandkids are ADORABLE!