Thursday, January 17, 2008

Favorite Christmas moments.

The kids were so much fun. They loved their presents.
Ethan loved climbing through the presents.

I gave Zeb two of the same outfit. DODAH! We loved having Kent, Leisy and Zeb here for the holidays. That was a huge favorite! And here's Morty looking very guilty as he runs away with the baby's teeting biscuit. BAD DOG!

Michelle finds out that she will get our grand piano for her new house - it's really hers anyway.


M- your favorite said...

YEAH! For Christmas! It was a lot of fun. But I have to say my favorite part was watching Michelle and Tyler find out the piano was there's. That made everyone's day! Thanks Mom and Dad for making Christmas so special for everyone. I loved it! you guys are the best!

Michelle said...

Good greif - I'm crying again!! That was the best day ever.

Linz said...

YEA! What a great Christmas! I am sure the look on Michelle's face was the best gift you could get! How fun!!