Saturday, November 3, 2007

It's about time!

I've lived the last 5 or 6 years with only 3 working burners. Now that we're trying to sell our house, we're getting little things like this fixed. You can see how much brighter the front right burner is - it's pretty much new. I think it went out within the first year of having this stove. It has been very annoying not having a fourth burner. Well, this Thanksgiving I won't be handicapped! I just can't figure out why I lived with it for so long?!


Michelle said...

Yay! You got it fixed! Was it a huge hassel? I can't believe it's been that long since it hasn't been working! Crazy!

Pat and Brent said...

No big deal - just $160.00 (ouch)

Kent and Leisy said...

I remember going with dad to get the part years ago - when it turned out to be so much money he figured three was good enough!! That's an expensive burner!

Kent and Leisy said...

I'm reading a thousand splendid suns right now! I don't like sad books at all though so its kind of depressing me right now. I hope I make it through.

The Jackson Family said...

Yeah-no more wondering why that waters not coming to a boil!