Sunday, September 2, 2007

New Cafe Rio

I've been saying for a long time that we need a Cafe Rio in Orem; and finally, it is coming. Just up the street. Too bad we'll be moving before it's here! They better start one in Spanish Fork!


Kent and Leisy said...

we are excited to come back to Orem and see all of the things that will be different! we were just talking about it last night! how is the great and spacious building on state street looking? andy major progress? oh, and when is the house supposed to be finished exactly?

Michelle said...

Will it really not be done before spring? I want it there NOW!!!

The Jackson Family said...

I am SO EXCITED! My favorite place to eat! YUM YUM

Linz said...

That's cool! We have a Cafe Rio here is St. George, but I have never even been to it!

Jaime said...

Cafe Rio is the best! We just got one down the street from us. I'ts so yummy!

M- your favorite said...

YEAH! I wonder when it's going to get done?