Saturday, September 8, 2007

Anaylze these golf swings

Brent tees off.

Randy tees off.

These were taken with my new camera -SWEET!


Linz said...

Sweet camera!! And both have great golf swings!

tiffany said...

nice camera as for the golf swings cant help i know nothing about golf except tiger woods is my age and a whole lot richer looks ilke you had fun

Michelle said...

Wow- nice clear pictures. What a beautiful area!

And ... haha ... I love that after Dad's golf swing, Pam is saying: "Yeah - Oh, good one!" and Dad is saying: "That reeked." That is too hilarious.

You guys have so much fun together. You're ALL getting quite good at golfing.

M- your favorite said...


Pam and Rand said...

That camera is so awesome and so small - isn't new tech amazing?

Pam and Rand said...

Michelle-- that happens all the time. Pat and Pam are much more positive about our golf shots than we are. It happens at least two or three times a round.