Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Christmas is coming. . . .

When I saw this catalog I knew I had to find out right away what Kent might like. There is the birthing simulator above, complete with twin babies - placenta and all!! You'll notice the abdominal walls which provide the "palpation module for Leopold maneuvers". You can practice a normal vaginal delivery; a complete, frank and footling breech birth; C-section delivery; ritgen's maneuver; episiotomy; intrauterine manipulation; prolapse of umbilical cord; demonstration of placenta previa: total, partial, and marginal; palpation of fetal fontanelles; and simulated suction of the nose and mouth.

Or maybe this darling - newborn Hal.

Or best yet - your very own birthing studio!
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Jaime said...

All I can say is... ew.

Jaime said...
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Michelle said...

hahaha. I can just imagine Kent's eyes lighting up with joy Christmas morning when he opens THAT!

It's hard to believe that this kind of stuff is real ... but, I guess it would provide some really good practice.

Michelle said...

I can't wait to hear what Kent thinks! :)

M- your favorite said...

WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!?!?!? I can't stop laughing! That is kind-of wrong, in a sick wierd way. I DO NOT want anything from that magazine, but hey I guess they sell a lot to have a magazine for those people out there. I can't believe it. That is so crazy. Thanks for the visual pictures! That totally made my day. Thanks for sharing!

Kent and Leisy said...

It looks like you've made my decision finally solidify! OB/GYN really IS for me! I'll take the birthing kit for my birthday please! (Or maybe just a Costco membership - whichever one is easier to ship!) Thanks for the blog!

Pam and Rand said...

Wow - can you imagine the sicko wannabe Dr.s out there? Scary!

Linz said...

Wow. That's totally nasty! HAHAHA!

The Jackson Family said...

Okay, that's just creepy!

mandi said...

Uuuuhhhh....that is so bizarre. But I'd guess I'd rather they practice on that than on me!

tiffany said...

that one with the lady having the baby is nasty. thanks for posting it now i know i never want to have kids